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Configuring a CDN


Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) are essential for delivering live streams to large, geographically distributed audiences with minimal latency. This guide will walk you through the process of configuring a CDN with Native Frame's streaming service.


Before configuring your CDN, ensure you have:

  • A Native Frame account with streaming enabled
  • Access to your chosen CDN provider's dashboard

Private streaming is not supported with CDNs.

Understanding Origin URLs

The origin URL is the source from which your CDN will pull the live stream content. Native Frame's origin URL is:

CDN Configuration Steps

1. Create a CDN Distribution

  1. Log into your CDN provider's dashboard
  2. Create a new distribution/configuration
  3. Set the following parameters:
    • Origin Domain: Your Native Frame origin URL
    • Distribution Protocol: HTTPS
    • Allowed HTTP Methods: GET, HEAD, OPTIONS
    • Cache Behavior: Use origin cache headers
    • Origin Protocol Policy: HTTPS Only

2. Configure Cache Settings

For optimal live streaming performance, configure these cache settings:

"CacheBehavior": {
"MinTTL": 0,
"DefaultTTL": 86400,
"MaxTTL": 31536000,
"QueryStringBehavior": "ignore"

3. Configure SSL/TLS

  1. Request or upload an SSL certificate for your CDN domain
  2. Enable HTTPS-only access
  3. Set minimum TLS version to 1.2

4. Set up CORS Headers

Add these required CORS headers in your CDN configuration:

"Headers": {
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods": "GET, HEAD, OPTIONS",
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers": "Origin, Content-Type, Accept"

5. Configure Health Checks

Set up health checks to monitor your origin:

"HealthCheck": {
"Protocol": "HTTPS",
"Path": "/health",
"IntervalSeconds": 30,
"FailureThreshold": 3

Integrating with Native Frame

After configuring your CDN, update your Native Frame configuration:

  1. Access the Native Frame dashboard
  2. Navigate to Project Settings > CDN
  1. Add your CDN domain as an allowed origin
  1. Update your stream configuration to use the CDN URL
  1. Test the configuration

If the test fails, wait a few minutes and try again.

You can update your CDN settings at any time by navigating to Project Settings > CDN

Testing Your Configuration

  1. Start a test stream using Native Frame's dashboard
  2. Verify the stream is accessible via your CDN URL
  3. Monitor CDN metrics for:
    • Cache hit ratio
    • Latency
    • Error rates
    • Bandwidth usage

Best Practices

  1. Geographic Distribution

    • Deploy CDN endpoints in regions where your viewers are located
    • Use multiple CDN providers for redundancy
  2. Cache Optimization

    • Set appropriate TTL values for different content types
    • Implement cache purge mechanisms for updates
  3. Security

    • Enable HTTPS-only access
    • Implement token authentication if required
    • Set up IP address restrictions where necessary
  4. Monitoring

    • Set up alerts for origin failures
    • Monitor CDN performance metrics
    • Track bandwidth usage and costs


Common issues and solutions:

  1. High Latency

    • Verify CDN endpoint distribution
    • Check origin connection settings
    • Review caching configuration
  2. Playback Errors

    • Verify CORS configuration
    • Check SSL/TLS settings
    • Confirm origin health status
  3. Cache Issues

    • Review cache behavior settings
    • Check query string handling
    • Verify TTL configuration


For assistance with CDN configuration, contact Native Frame support: