Ready to start streaming? There are a few things you need to know before you get started.
Streaming with the Browser SDK
5 items
Streaming With External Software
2 items
Streaming on iOS
3 items
Streaming on Android
3 items
Embedding the Web Player
In this guide, we'll cover how to start a live stream on the Native Frame platform as a broadcaster and view this live stream in another tab as a viewer using the WebRTC encoder and player.
Low Code Guide
In this guide, we'll cover how to start a live stream on the Native Frame platform as a broadcaster and view this live stream in another tab as a viewer using the WebRTC encoder and player.
Webhook-based stream state management
Native Frame's webhook system allows you to implement custom, server-side logic for managing your streams in real-time. By listening to and reacting to the Program States webhook event, you can dynamically control stream access, duration, and viewer permissions based on your own business rules. This guide will walk you through an example use case of setting up time-limited streams so that broadcasters and viewers can only stream for a limited amount of time.
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